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  Complaints, Investigations and Hearings

 The Ontario Association of Home Inspectors can only investigate and discipline its own current members:

If you feel a home inspector has acted in an unethical or unprofessional manner you can send  a complaint to the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (OAHI), and we will answer that complaint fairly and responsibly.

What do I do?

First, try talking to your home inspector. If the two of you can't agree, your next step is to contact us. Refer to our Complaints Form to make sure you have all the information required to make a complaint. Complaints can be emailed to  or

How do I know whether to file a complaint?

OAHI will only handle complaints about home inspectors' conduct and service. We investigate to determine whether the member has violated the bylaws, Standards of Practice, the Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct.

Please note that the Committee does not mediate disputes, impose settlements, nor provide an opinion on the alleged negligence of a member suitable for other proceedings.

How will I know my complaint has been received?

Each complaint is carefully reviewed. The information that should be included:  

1. The form (a fillable PDF) needs to be filled out containing:

(A)  Your name and contact information,

(B) The inspector's name and information,

(C) The date of inspection and date of advising the inspector of the alleged issue.

(D) A PDF copy of the home inspection report and photos of concern .

This needs to be filled out legibly,  (the form can be filled out online) outlining all details of how the complainant feels the home inspector is has violated the bylaws, Standards of Practice, the Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct.

2. Any attempts that the complainant has made to address and resolve the issue with the Inspector.

3. This information should be emailed only to and

If we cannot help with a complaint, we will let you know. Otherwise, the Association will keep you informed on what is happening to your complaint.

To allow for a thorough investigation of the complaint this process may take several months to complete.

Complaints Help Form. 

OAHI DPPC Complaint Form.

Please read the above information about the complaints process. Then, if you want to initiate a formal complaint against a home inspector, you should view the OAHI website  'Find a Home Inspector " to ensure they are a current member. 

How to contact us for complaints against current OAHI members only;

Ontario Association of Home Inspectors

6 - 14845 Yonge St #135

Aurora, ON L4G 6H8

Phone: 416-256-0960
