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OAHI - Membership Categories

RHI (OAHI-Registered Home Inspector)

OAHI-Registered Home Inspector is the highest level of certification. These Inspectors have achieved the highest level of educational requirements as set by the association and performed a predetermined number of paid inspections. They must also complete continuing educational and mandatory upgrading requirements set by the Association in order to maintain this designation. 

Associate Members

Associate Members have finished the mandatory educational,  practical training and peer review requirements (as required of the Candidate member) and 150 fee paid inspections,  however may not have yet finished the required number of paid inspections or the required technical background upgrades. Associate members must also complete specific additional academic education in prescribed time periods and annual educational updates in order to maintain this designation.

Candidate Members

Candidate members have finished the mandatory core educational requirements, practical training requirements and successfully progressed through the peer review process. Candidate members may not have yet finished the required number of paid inspections to become an Associate Member. Candidate Members must also complete specific additional academic education in prescribed time periods.

Applicant Members

Applicant members have not completed all the mandatory core educational requirements, practical training requirements, peer reveiw process, or paid inspection requirements. Applicant members are bound to adhere to the bylaws, Standards of Practice of and Code of Ethics of the Association and are subject to the same disciplinary mechanisms as other membership categories. Applicant members are required to submit (2) two reports for verification within (3) three months of registry.

Student Members

Student Members are non-practicing members and are in the process of advancing their membership category. Student Members have yet to complete any or all of the following: mandatory core educational requirements, practical training requirement, peer review process, or paid inspection requirements.

Retired Members

Retired Members are persons who (i) have attained OAHI/Registered Home Inspector (RHI) or Associate member status, and (ii) are not active performing inspections. Retired Members must reinstate their former active membership category before performing inspections, subject to meeting the completion of mandatory upgrading and continuing education requirements. 


All members must state their membership designation when advertising and making reference to the Association name, acronym and logo including the non-practising Student member.

It is the individual home inspector that receives membership designation in the OAHI, not the business that they work for.